Beloveds –

This is a glorious time for Unity of Melbourne and everyone who is part of this ministry. I sincerely look forward to working with you and praying with you as your Senior Minister. Throughout the month of August, I’ve been meeting with members of the congregation and the leadership team. We are enthusiastic about the future of Unity of Melbourne and eager to support you, bringing you classes, events, opportunities and services designed with you in mind, empowering you to achieve your highest good.

As we look ahead to this Labor Day weekend, we are also preparing for the 2022 Unity World Day of Prayer. Unity Worldwide Ministries will present opening and closing ceremonies for this 24 hour celebration online at 8:00 EDT on Wednesday, September 7th and Thursday, the 8th.

Groups and individuals interested in participating in these services must pre-register by following this link.

There is no charge, however, love offering to help defray the cost of bringing these services to the world are greatly appreciated. Once you get to the Eventbrite page, just click ‘Tickets’ on the right side of the page, choose your optional donation level and enter your name and email address.

This year’s theme is Holding the High Watch, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing on Thursday, September 8th. You are invited to join your chaplain team, Licensed Unity Teachers and me as we come together to hold the high watch for our church, our community and our world.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:19–20.)

Beginning at 10:00AM, the sanctuary will be open for anyone and everyone to connect with us for a day of meditation, reflection and contemplation. Join us in holding the high watch. Come whenever you can. Stay as long as you like. Walk the labyrinth. Pray. Meditate.

At 6:30, the music team will bless us with a sound bath, a full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture our spirits, our minds, and our bodies. Then, at 8:00, Unity Worldwide Ministries will present an online closing ceremony.

Additional information about Unity World Day of Prayer 2022 from Linda Martella-Whitsett, VP, Unity Prayer Ministry …

Unity is a prayer movement. It all began when Myrtle Fillmore prayed herself into a healthy body. We continue to rely upon prayer and the power of affirmative prayer to bring positive change to every aspect of our lives. I encourage you to take a few moments to download, save and read this article to more fully understand the deep, long-lasting connection between prayer and the Unity Movement. You may want to print this article so you can re-read it whenever you feel a need to refresh and re-energize your prayer practice.

Historic Connection of Prayer and Unity

Peace and Blessings,

Rev. Vernelle