UOM’s finances consist of income and expenses.  Our expenses are all typical – mortgage, utilities, supplies, insurance, and salaries.  Our income includes revenue (rent from lessors, building use, classes, etc.) and contributions (donations from you).  The rent we collect covers our mortgage. We rely on our contributions/donations to cover the other expenses.

Contributions have dropped significantly and we are running at a deficit that we cannot continue to sustain. We need $15,000 a month, and we average $10,000 a month (pre-Covid contributions were $14,000-19,000 a month).

This month we will be asking everyone to prayerfully consider making a pledge to contribute monthly. Please be as generous as you can be. Regardless of the amount, this will allow us to 1. know what we can expect and 2. know that we can count on it as a regular contribution. This will help us plan and communicate to you on a regular basis our financial vitality.

We are “rebuilding” after Covid, we have a new minister, we have months of wonderful programming planned and we know that we will get through this and not only survive but thrive. Please pray about what you can do. We will be providing a Pledge Card during our January 22nd worship service. We ask those cards to be returned to the church by Feb. 26. Your personal commitment is confidential. We will share the total amount of pledges we receive in order to be transparent about reaching our needed funds.

Thank you for your wholehearted support of Unity of Melbourne. Please plan on attending the Annual Meeting on January 22 for more details and to ask any questions. In the interim, if you have questions, please Valerie Holloway, Board President at email board@unityofmelbourne.com.


1 – Other Income includes:

  • Amazon/Facebook disbursements
  • Angel Tree contributions
  • Booklet & Daily Word sales
  • Classes, workshops, seminars
  • Hospitality
  • Memorials
  • Previous building use
  • Special Donations
  • Special Events
  • Weddings

2 – Operations expenses include:

  • Auto or truck mileage or expense
  • Bank & credit card fees
  • Building repairs & security
    • Fire prevention systems
    • Pest control
    • Building repair supplies
    • Security monitoring services
  • Church supplies (candles, special paper, etc.,)
  • Computer services
    • Spectrum internet and phones
    • IT services & support (Office 365 and MITEL phone system)
  • Copier contract
  • Direct Service Expense
    • Audio Visual support (video live stream and sound engineers)
    • Classes, workshops, & seminars
    • Guest speakers
    • Musicians
  • Hospitality costs
  • Insurance
    • General Liability
    • Workman’s Compensation
  • Lawn & grounds
  • Licenses (Sitelock malware and antivirus)
  • Membership & subscriptions (Planning Center Online Church Management System)
  • Newsletter (MailChimp)
  • Office supplies
  • Outreach (DailMyCalls prayer calls, advertising & offset printing)
  • Payroll taxes

3 – Utilities

  • Florida Power & Light
  • City of Melbourne (water & sewer)
  • Waste Management
  • Amerigas (propane)

4 – Salaries

  • Accounting Manager
  • Building Cleaning
  • Minister
  • Director of Operations
  • Director of Youth & Family Ministry
    • YFM Admin