What a wonderful day for Discovering Your Why.  Thank you to all who logged in on Saturday, May 1. We had a wonderful day together on Zoom.  If I was not inspired enough by this community, I think my love for you grew even deeper. Rev. Kelly Isola led us through a very thoughtful process, we worked in small groups and really connected on why Unity, who we are, and why we exist. It was a little “head” work but mostly “heart work”.  At the end of the session, we had our collective WHY:

We love and accept ourselves and others, we heal our world.

Our Why statement is not aspirational. It’s not who we want to be, its who we are now. It is the foundation on which everything else is built. Now that we have our WHY.  What is next?  The How(s) and What(s). Stay tuned for more information about these next steps and how to get involved. 

This will be a thoughtful and deliberate process, we will not delay but we will not rush, we’ll communicate and remember you are on this journey too.

Reporting financials and making sure we are not only transparent in our communication, but we want to make it understandable. Randy Filmore, our Operations Director, and Janeen Chiscon, our Board Treasurer, started our monthly financial newsletter (published the end of each month) in which we share exactly how we are doing.

Blessings abound.  We have had several congregants come forward and help us with especially important needs; air conditioner repairs, computer infrastructure replacement, Sanctuary monitor, plumbing repairs, and electronic sign repairs to name a few. I am in awe by the way this community responds. We are so incredibly grateful for your love and support.

The future is ours to create.

Valerie Holloway
President, Board of Trustees

Your 2021-22 Board of Trustees are:
Valerie Holloway, President
Lianne Kagunda, Vice-President
Beth Lambdin, Secretary
Janeen Chiscon, Treasurer
Cathy Hoffman, Member
Lynn McKinney, Member
Jane Warner, Member