Status on Our Current Building

Thank you for your continued interest in the status of the sale of our building and the leasing of our new space.

We are still in the “Due Diligence” period of the sale, which allows the buyer to perform environmental assessments and surveys. The Due Diligence period expires on May 20th . Closing on the building remains scheduled for May 30th, and efforts are well underway to make that transition smooth.

Our New Location

We have received a draft lease agreement for our new space and are in coordination through our attorney and the landlord. The intent is to sign the lease on May 31st (the day after closing on our current property) and granting the current tenant 30 days to vacate the space.

Once the lease has been signed, we will coordinate with the current tenant times we will be able to tour what will be our new space – probably on a Sunday afternoon.

Continued discussions with Tsark Architecture on a modification to the existing layout and negotiations with the current tenant on purchasing some of their stage lighting.

Vashti Saint Germain continues her efforts on the interior design in the creation of a beautiful sacred space, as she brings a wealth of professional and personal skills and talents to this endeavor – making the space welcoming where all are welcome.

A call to the artists who currently have their artwork hanging in our current ministry to retrieve them to prevent loss or damage. There are a handful of artwork that we cannot identify the artist or do not have contact information. We’ll be placing those art pieces in Hospitality and ask if anyone knows the creator of these pieces and how we might reach out to them.

We are also working on a plan to relocate the Memorial Garden marble bench dedicated to Rev Charles A. Turner to our new space and a method to incorporate the engraved bricks.

How You Can Help 

Once again, we want to express appreciation for those who volunteered to develop an inventory of our furnishings, scanned and digitized sheet music and turn hard paper copies into digital files. There remain several opportunities to help during this stage of preparation for our move. If you’d like to help, contact Randy, for more information.

Valerie Holloway and our Board leadership will continue to update the congregation from the platform on Sundays, and we’ll use this forum to aid in keeping our spiritual community informed and engaged as we embark on this new journey into the future of Unity of Melbourne.