Your Board of Trustees is dedicated to sharing our current financial information each month. An update will be made available through our weekly eNews and posted on our website.
Each update will include information related to our monthly income and expenses and our “Statement of Financial Position” – providing a full financial picture of our financial health, and not just a monthly snapshot of the previous month.
Unity of Melbourne’s credentialed leaders are working with the Board of Trustees on using the prosperity and abundance ideas and concepts developed by Unity co-founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, and authors like Eric Butterworth, Edwene Gaines, Catherine Ponder, and others, in a concerted effort to raise prosperity consciousness and allay the fear of lack typically associated with any financial challenges.
Unlike other religious organizations, Unity of Melbourne must be and has always been self-sufficient, as this ministry does not receive any financial assistance or support from “Big Unity” or any institution. Unity of Melbourne exists solely through the donations of our congregants and members, who, it is affirmed, look within to manifest the spiritual principles, Law of Abundance, Law of Circulation, and Law of Compensation among others.