Taken from a paper by Reverend Ruth Harders and the book, “A Festival of Lost Meanings” by Alvin B. Kuhn.

At one time Halloween was as important as Christmas and Easter. Now we celebrate Christmas as Jesus birthday and Easter as the day He rose from the dead. But, all of these holidays are symbolic celebrations of something that happens to the soul. The Bible itself is a symbolic journey of the soul. It began as a thought is Gods mind, came into embodiment, had its fall, awakened to its Divine Nature and to its resurrection and ascension – completing the cycle.

The ancient religions celebrated these four stages of the unfoldment of the soul and linked them to the four seasons of the year.

  • Summer – June 21 – The longest day of the year, a time when more light pours forth helping nature move into rebirth. This was celebrated as the time that the
    Perfect Idea was conceived in the mind of God.
  • Fall – September 21 – The day of the awakening of the soul to full reality. It is its Earth conception. This relates to the Garden story and the opening of the
    consciousness to Divine potential. All instruction is provided for us. We move out from the Garden to discover Infinite possibilities.
  • Winter – December 21 – A resting period, a time to reflect and to experience Gods fullness. The Spirit of Light is born in the person of Jesus, who manifests the Christ. THE CHRISTMAS OF THE SOUL. Once more the days increase in length and the sun returns as the soul realizes perfect oneness with God and all creation.
  • Spring – March 21 – The soul is quickened with the realization of New Life as the cycle of life gives birth to newness. The GOOD OF GOD is conceived in the soul to birth the wonder and miracle of Spring.

Halloween comes in after the fall. Forty is the number that means a period of time needed to bring something about. So if our Earth conception was September 21, forty days gestation brings us to October 31. The symbolic birth of the soul into its physical experience. It is not yet aware of its divinity. It is ignorant of its true nature.

Ignorance is represented by darkness or black. The soul is only aware of its five senses and it is animal like. During this period the souls Divine Nature is masked. All temptations the soul ever meets come from its enlightened nature.

So Halloween celebrates our animal-minuends which come before the birth of Christ awareness. The Festival of Halloween was celebrated by wearing masks of animals which symbolized that there was a potentially Divine Being behind the mask. The color orange represents courage, the opposite of darkness. So black and orange represent both sides of our nature. So, when we see the weird faces of Halloween they are reminders to look beyond the outer to the Divinity within.

Metaphysics of Halloween
Joy Powell, Denver

Halloween or “Holy Evening” as the name suggests, is the “hallowed” or “holy” evening before
All Saints Day. It is: (ALL) HALLOW(S) E(V)EN

Metaphysically speaking, it is a time to restore “wholeness” or “holiness” to your mind, body
and affairs. It is a time to set your house, your consciousness in order. Let loose of all the
negative thoughts and emotions…chase the “witches, goblins & ghosts” away with love.

Jack is short for John, the Disciple that means LOVE. The Jack-o-lantern is lit from within by a candle. The light of love from within will always dispel all darkness.

Don’t be “tricked” by the negative…instead “treat” yourself to the positive.

The scarecrow is jumping for joy! All the crows eating up the “good seeds” have been chased away.

Monsters represent error thinking…we create our own inner monsters.

We can “Rest in Peace” while in this body and give up the old to experience the new.

May the brightness of orange dispel all the blackness (negative thoughts and emotions), and may you commune with the “saintly” (pure) parts of your nature, the Christ within, on All Saints Day!