White Stone Ceremony
Join us during our Sunday worship service as Rev Vernelle guides us through the White Stone Ceremony.
The ritual is based on sculpture from Revelations 2:17: “They that hath an ear, let them hear what the Spirit said unto the churches; to they that overcometh will I give to eat the hidden manna, and will give them a white stone and in the stone a new name written, which no person knowth saving they that receiveth it.” (Adapted) Symbolically, the stone represents freedom. As was custom in ancient days during slavery in the Holy Land, a prisoner was given a white stone when he was freed from servitude as a token of his freedom. On his stone was a new name that he would take in this new life.
During the White Stone Mediation, each participate will be given a white stone to hold in the palm of their hand. During a time in meditation, the still small voice of the Spirit within will reveal a New Name that is to be worked with during the year.
What will your symbolic New Name be this year?

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