On Saturday, March 6 we will have our Discovering Your Why session with Rev. Kelly Isola. This will be a Zoom meeting from 10 am – 3 pm (one hour break for lunch). Do not be alarmed at the amount of time as Rev. Kelly will make sure it is fun and interactive. We will engage in both a large group and small groups. You will be able to sign-in to the Zoom meeting until 10:05am, then the room will be closed. The link for the session is HERE.
On Sunday, March 7, Rev. Kelly Isola will be providing the Sunday worship service lesson on grief and loss, where we’ll have the opportunity to honor the losses we each have experienced.
Finally, your Board will be hosting our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, March 21 at 1pm. As you may recall we did not meet last year, as our annual meeting was scheduled to take place at the same time all in-person meetings and gatherings were cancelled due to COVID-19. We are excited to be able to engage in person with our Partner members in our Sanctuary and with our Associate members and all other congregants virtually. Our existing Bylaws dictate Partner members must meet in-person for us to hold an annual meeting. We will be streaming the meeting on YouTube so our Associate members and congregants can see what is transpiring.
Partner and Associate members will be receiving an email within the next week asking to renew their membership with Unity of Melbourne for 2021. Members will have the option to either renew or cancel their membership. Partner members may also renew their membership prior to the March 21st Annual Meeting at the church immediately before the 1pm Annual Meeting. Associate members may renew their membership either through the email link or by contacting the church office during regular business hours.
The Annual Meeting Agenda will be published next week and the meeting is expected to last about 90 minutes, depending on questions and discussion, and will include presentation of the 2020 financials, a proposed 2021 budget, voting on the Board of Trustees, and a Bylaws change that allows for future Annual Meetings to be held both physically and virtually.
Handouts containing financials, budget, and Bylaws change will not be passed out at the meeting and we will be providing links in advance for accessing and downloading all materials prior to the meeting. During the meeting, we will do our best to display those documents for those in the Sanctuary and participating virtually. We appreciate your patience and participation.