In the coming weeks and months, this forum is an additional way to keep our spiritual community engaged and informed about the status of the sale of our building and the leasing of our new space.

We are in the stage known as “Due Diligence”, through April 20th, where the Buyer is given the opportunity to inspect the building, review maintenance records, and “look under the hood”, so they are aware of what they are purchasing. Once that period is over, the closing date of May 12th is the next milestone.

Even after the closing date of May 12th, we will continue to have access to the building until August 12th. This will give us time to continue to operate as usual while we prepare for the move.

Our New Location

A new location has been identified that is smaller than our current space but has nearly everything that we will need to continue our current offerings—and to grow in consciousness. Once we have signed a lease on the property (affirming that to occur May 13th, the day after we close on selling our current building), we will be working with the current occupant to schedule a time when we can offer a tour of the location for our members and congregants to visit.

We are blessed to have Vashti Saint Germain working as our interior designer to create sacred space in our new home. Vashti brings a wealth of professional and personal skills and talents to this endeavor.  We know it will be a beautiful and welcoming space where all are welcome. Thank you, Vashti.

How You Can Help

Many of you have asked, “How can I help?”. This willingness to be a part of the renewal at Unity of Melbourne is vital to living the principles we know and continue to learn. As we prepare for this move, there are, and will be, a number of opportunities we need help with.

First on the list, is a review of pictures that we’ve uncovered. We’re calling this project, “Help Us Remember and (w)Rite Our History”, “HURROH”. There are a number of boxes of activities and events that do not have dates or names. We need help in capturing this history as we do NOT want to lose portions of our past. We want to save and incorporate it within our new spaces. If anyone is interested in participating in this, please let Randy, Judy, or any of the Board members know of your interest.

Another task needed is for someone to digitize (scan) documents. This digitizing eliminates the relocation and storage of boxes of hard copy paper files. The scanner is like operating a copy machine, and anyone with fingers can learn to scan in less than two minutes. If you can devote an hour or so to this, please let Randy or Judy know.

Valerie Holloway and our Board leadership will continue to update the congregation from the platform on Sundays, and we’ll use this forum to aid in keeping our spiritual community informed and engaged as we embark on this new journey into the future of Unity of Melbourne.


You can reach out to Randy, Judy, or the Board for more information or to volunteer.