As President, Unity of Melbourne Board of Trustees, I want to thank you all for showing up and giving your feedback on the ministerial search. I want to extend a special thank you to our Search Committee. (list and recognize if in attendance). When Linda Cobb who ran our search in 2018 and Jenny Battig who was our board president at that time agreed to co chair this process, I did not lose a minute’s sleep because we were in the best hands. We are grateful.

Hiring a minister and spiritual leader for our ministry is a big decision and though it is a board decision – in fact the biggest responsibility the board has is to hire the minister – it is one in which many factors are considered, your feedback is critical. We also will look at experience, feedback from references and people who have experienced the leadership of our candidates, we’ll marry our greatest needs with their strengths.

On Tuesday, June 28th, the board met for several hours discerning all of this feedback. Please don’t look for an immediate announcement, as there will  be additional follow-up with all the candidates. The Board will also need time to enter and formalize a contract before such an announcement can be made.  We promise this will not be a protracted endeavor; we owe it to you and to our candidates for it not to be.

You selected your board. Each Board member brings a vast and great amount of experience. Beth Lambdin was a personnel manager for the Washington Post, Jane Warner supervised many military service members, Janeen Chiscon hired and managed critical care nurses in the business of saving lives while Julie O’Neill profession is bringing new lives into the world and Cathy Hoffman dedicated her life to teaching them.  In my professional life, I’ve been a hiring manager in the not-for-profit sector since I was 29 (I know what you’re thinking – such a short time).  In that time I have made some epic hires in my career and I’ve made mistakes. One thing I have learned  is that there is no one perfect person for a job – but there is something that makes them the most perfect and the biggest lesson is their success doesn’t sit solely with them but with us too.

When we reach that decision there will be folks who think we are brilliant and not only did we make the best choice but the only choice. There will be some people scratching their heads “what were they thinking” and there will be folks who will be angered by the choice. I know because you told us if we did or didn’t hire your selection that you would leave UOM. I appreciate that honestly. I’d rather know ahead.

What I affirm and pray is that the majority of you will give us and our new minister a chance – not the type of chance for her to prove anyone right or wrong but set them up for success because if they have full support and are set up to succeed who benefits? We all do. I would ask that we not compare them to Rev. Val or Rev. Beth or any of the ministers we’ve had speak at UOM these last two years as that would be unfair. I would ask you to evaluate them on giving of themselves, listening to us and supporting our spiritual growth. This will be our moment to practice what we believe.

For now my only request is prayer for your Board leadership as we complete this process.

Valerie Holloway
President, Board of Trustees