As we pray for the healing of our country and world, do you find it remarkable that you belong to a community whose spiritual beliefs originated in healing and whose foundation is built on prayer? It is not lost on me that as one of our opening songs so eloquently says, “I am in the right place, at the right time”.

For those of us who believe, and practice Unity Principles we must rise to this time and this place. We are uniquely qualified in our thoughts and deeds to lead. It is time for us to demonstrate that we can love and accept ourselves and others and heal our world.

To all who participated in our planning sessions creating our WHY, HOW, and WHAT, thank you. This congregation once said they wanted to be community led and this was a clear example of that in action.  We’ll be sharing our work at our next town hall meeting Sunday, Sept. 19 immediately following Sunday talk (will also be available on Zoom). We’ve done the work and are ready to attract our next spiritual leader. If you are not involved in the cocreation of Unity’s future but want to be – it’s never too late, let us know how you’d like to contribute.

What is blessing you this month? Here is my list:

Live music in the sanctuary.  I didn’t think it was possible for Deborah, Vashti, and Julie to sound so clear and beautiful with a mask on. But they do, see we can do things differently. Also delighted to see Ron, Stoney. Denny, and Fred whose talent blesses us each week.

Our Prayer Chaplains whose outreach has been extraordinary.

Cheryl Linder who is helping guide our youth, most vulnerable and upended at this time. How fortunate are we to have her in this role?!

Judy Langdon who keeps things running smoothly and is always smiling. Sally Carmany whose high standards for keeping things clean has taken on a whole new level of importance in our safety.

To Joseph our quiet hero on sound and video who has helped us continue to connect and is always looking at ways to make it even better.

Our Licensed Unity Teachers (LUT) Paulette Mason and Maggie Rosche. Paulette does so much for UOM we rely on her wisdom and her gifts. And Maggie Rosche has taught almost back-to-back classes that for many of us, have kept us spiritually grounded.

And to Randy Filmore for everything – especially booking and programming to help us evolve spiritually and sample different styles and approaches as we think about what is best for us.

An added blessing and note of congratulations to Randy for completion of his Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) training. This is a huge commitment qualifying as an LUT requires 220 hours of Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute’s Spiritual Development Program, 120 hours of professional development, a psychological evaluation, a Specialty Practicum (in Administration, Adult Education, Music Ministry, Pastoral or Youth and Family ministry), numerous book reviews, practice teaching, developing syllabuses, and lesson plan development, recommendation by a Unity Minister, a one week intensive at Unity World Wide that concludes with credentialing exams and approval by the credentialing board.  Paulette Mason and Maggie Rosche and are delighted to have Randy join their ranks.  His first course offering will be a Living an Abundant Life: A Lesson in Prosperity beginning Sept. 21st and 22nd.

I want so much to get back to “normal” but there really isn’t any going back.  Let’s create a new reality. Not dwell on what we’ve lost but focus on what we can create. It’s hard to imagine it could be as good as what we had but what if it could be better.