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If you describe yourself as spiritual rather than religious, you may be like countless others who say they have come home when they walk into a Unity community such as ours. Our spiritual home is a loving place that will support you on your journey. If you’re new to our website, know that we’re glad you’re here, and we hope you’ll check back often to see what’s new.
Our Mission
Unity of Melbourne January 12th Sunday Worship Service Broadcast
Our Youth and Family Ministry honors each child and family as a perfect expression of God! Each Sunday, our classrooms are full of children and teens exploring Unity principles and teachings in a fun, engaging, safe and interactive environment.
Each classroom is staffed by a team of loving and dedicated volunteers who enthusiastically interact with the children to draw forth the spiritual truth that already resides within each child. And as any volunteer will tell you, the children end up drawing out new truths in us every Sunday too!
Sunday lessons focus on reinforcing the idea that God is with us, around us, everywhere present and that we are loved unconditionally. We also begin to establish a basic understanding of the Bible and how the stories in the Bible reflect Unity principles. Other sacred writings and contemporary children’s stories are also used. The children are encouraged to connect with their inner wisdom and to live the Truth they know.
Unity lessons are based on “a living curriculum” philosophy. This is an approach that honors the wisdom within each of us, including children. It uses questions to “draw forth” the truth one already knows by using storytelling and creative experiences. Each lesson relates to an issue in a person’s life and seeks to facilitate an experience of God that connects to their daily life.
We invite you to go to your heart and prayerfully consider serving our children in this most important way by becoming a part of our Youth and Family Ministry team. Our church community is growing, and we are grateful!
If you need ideas or help with alternatives to fit your child’s specific needs, please feel free to send Cheryl a message, we are here to support you.
LEARN MORE more about our Youth & Family Ministries.
In this touching interview, first aired on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday show, Maya Angelou discusses her experience with her Unity church and the idea in Lessons in Truth, a classic Unity text, that changed her life.
Think Big. Act Bigger. Get Involved.
The Unity movement stands for and will tirelessly work for harmony so all people may know the freedom of peaceful expression; so they may know their own inner worth and essential contribution to the whole of life.
Choose one of our sacred service ministries and make a difference in the world.